If you've ever seen any of the Star Wars films then you're most likely familiar with stormtroopers, the bad guys in the shiny white plastic that would miss everything they took aim at with their laser guns. They were trained for blind obedience and obeyed the will of the emperor (the big bad guy), defeating his enemies and enforcing his oppressive laws. As each coming year seems to be gradually edging us closer towards a worldwide totalitarian dictatorship, a new world order filled with digital ID's, facial recognition and an absence of cash, who will the ruling class be enlisting as their allegiant stormtroopers? And why do we follow orders that have zero benefit for us in the long run?
Throughout my life I always had a need to fit in with the cool kids. Whether branding myself as part of the Nike tribe, displaying apathy by taking drugs, or just straight up spending my money on stuff that made no logical sense whatsoever, I found myself with the constant desire to fit in and a growing concern of what others thought of me, but why?
93-97% of our behaviour is controlled by our subconscious mind, and we learn 50% of our behaviour, beliefs and ideas before the age of 5, with the vast majority of those being formulated by our subconscious. Our subconscious mind simply looks for the most repetitive ideas, beliefs and behaviours being held by the majority, and then does everything it can to make us emulate and mirror them so we can be safe by fitting in. It is heavily invested in compliance to the accepted norms, group affiliation and acceptance, and acts as a primary protection protocol put in place on our behalf to maximise our security.
What was “normal” for me, was based upon what I was observing on a frequent basis, and what behaviours were being rewarded openly by my elders or my perceived authority figures. My normal was to wear the trendiest brands, conduct self-sabotage, and to blame others for my problems. That's what everyone around me was doing, as well as the people that I'd waste countless hours watching on a TV screen. My “following the crowd” and compliant behaviour could of been checked, broken and arrested as I progressed into adulthood (in ancient societies this was usually done through various challenging “rites of passage to adulthood” ceremonies), alas it had not and with society permitting (and even encouraging) this to happen, myself and the other adults who were thinking, talking and acting like children were unknowingly contributing to inevitably plunging our society into constant chaos. In the short 2 minute video below, we see how easily our behaviour is influenced by this subconscious support system (if we’re unaware of how it operates), and how we will always conform if we don’t shed this coping mechanism as we move into adulthood.
I was not only oblivious to how my subconscious mind was influencing me, I was completely unaware that I was attempting to fit in with a society whose collective standards are being set by social engineers that strategise to keep us weak and infantilised. As far as the ruling class was concerned, I was playing my role and slotting in nicely with the rest of the tribe, destroying my own power whilst helping them to maintain theirs. My childhood had been filled by an educational system designed to install an obedience towards those in authority, and I was clueless to the danger of following orders with only a few core values in place and a subconscious mind with such negative repetitive programming.
The unfortunate reality is that the ruling class is being held in place by people like me who wilfully follow their orders. By definition, following orders means to do what we are told, without judging for ourselves whether or not the action we are being ordered to carry out is right or wrong. If we are following orders, we can't be said to be exercising our conscience, as exercising our conscious means that we are wilfully choosing for ourselves right action over wrong action. So following orders, “Yes Sir!”, is literally the complete polar opposite of exercising our conscious (it is impossible to be doing both simultaneously) as they are contradictions in terms by definition.
Our erroneous belief in authority and the false ideology that some of us possess rights that others do not, has led us blindfolded to the present day, where we justify our actions by allowing “authorities” to create rights and wrongs magically out of thin air. A right is simply any action that doesn’t cause harm to another sentient being, and why we're all capable of feeling when we’re causing harm to another (psychopaths exempted). "I was just following orders", is never a valid excuse or justification for immoral or criminal behaviour, and this lame attempt to abdicate personal responsibility should never be accepted as a valid excuse for such behaviour, made evident during the Nuremberg trials and in dire need of being made clear again today. As our morality increases, our freedom increases. As our morality declines, our freedom declines. The ruling class understands this fundamental principle and is weaponising it against us, convincing us that it's perfectly fine to follow immoral orders as long as those orders are socially accepted.
Most of us are beginning to recognise the dangers of erecting a control grid that we will have no say in or ability to opt out of, so besides having us neglect morality, how does the ruling class intend on pulling this off? By shutting down our conscious mind and appealing directly to our subconscious mind. By flooding us with an endless array of poisons such as alcohol, drugs and junk food, they shut down our prefrontal cortex and activate our limbic system, then drown us in a tsunami of repetitive negative based content to get us living in a constant state of fear. Our subconscious mind steps in to protect us when we're in fear, and will always seek out our safety by fitting in, even if makes no logical sense at all. So if the bigger group normalises one group as inferior, for example, those that oppose the unfolding of the new world order, our subconscious is very likely to copy this belief and become a bigot in order to fit in and find safety inside the bigger group. In WWII we saw the morality of becoming a bigot isn’t even considered inside our subconscious safety mechanism and if we’re in fear, our conscious mind isn’t available to check the morality of our safety based bigotry. Going back throughout history it becomes crystal clear that the stormtroopers bringing in to existence the big bad emperors wet dream are those of us that are willing to comply with the immoral orders being handed down, orders that only serve the ruling class, and have absolutely no benefit for the rest of us whatsoever as the future unfolds. We've been fooled, programmed to believe that following orders is a virtue, one that is to be rewarded with cultural acceptance and safety amongst our tribe, embracing ignorance and a refusal to accept that humanity is edging ever closer to the cliff as we continue to build upon this system of control.
In a society that places no urgency on installing morality, core values or in breaking our childhood based coping mechanisms, we leave ourselves without a reason to say no to any request. I spent most of my adult life as a people pleasing order-follower, a compliant push over with few core values who would go along to get along. Like a stormtrooper invariably missing their target, this only positioned me for extreme confusion and frustration, as a fully independent and empowered adult personality is what is needed to carve out a successful living inside an adult world.
Are you sick of having your child based coping mechanisms run your life into the ground? Are you ready to take a rite of passage into adulthood and start ordering yourself around instead? Step onto the battlefield taking place in-between your ears by checking out my program Stop Playing Small, where you’ll learn how to “use the force”, by unlocking the infinite power of your subconscious mind.
Stay tuned for more upcoming blog posts that will continue to launch torpedoes into the vent of the ruling class' death star, and act as a lightsaber in defence against self-sabotage. *Cue Yoda voice*, “Do. Or do not. There is no try.” Thanks for reading!