"You've got to let it all go Neo. Fear, doubt and disbelief. Free your mind." Says Morpheus to Neo in The Matrix, before jumping from one skyscraper to another with those cool little sunglasses on. "Morpheus" was the Primordial Greek God of dreams, he would shape and form them and his talent made him a messenger of the gods able to communicate divine messages to sleeping mortals (and is probably where we get the word morphine from). Our subconscious mind controls 93-97% of our behaviour and biological functions, it never rests or sleeps and is hard at work controlling our vital forces while we're busy dreaming. Was The Matrix giving a subtle nod to our ability to unlock our limitless potential, if we are to become capable of altering our restricting belief systems and tap into the infinite power of our subconscious mind?
The most efficient way to improving our life is to stop hurting ourselves by our own hand, and the easiest way to do that is by understanding how our mind works. When we go about our daily activities, we pay little attention to our heart rate, cellular activity or our immune system, as this is all lovingly taken care of by our subconscious mind. Our behaviours, beliefs and ideas can also fall into this "taken care of for us" category, especially if we don't know how our life support systems operate.
There are two levels of our mind, the conscious or rational level, and the subconscious or irrational level. The subconscious mind processes far more information than the conscious mind. Studies suggest that our subconscious mind processes about 400 billion bits of information per second, with the impulses travelling at speeds of up to 100,000 mph, while the conscious mind processes only about 2,000 bits of information per second and its impulses travel only 100-150 mph. So our subconscious mind is a lot faster than the conscious mind, which tends to be slow at processing information. When we hear the saying that we only use 10% of our brains, this is the data it is referring to. The 10% of power produced in our conscious mind goes towards analysis, thinking and planning, and our short term memory. The 90% generated by our subconscious mind goes towards our long term memory, emotions and feelings, habits, relationship patterns and addictions, our involuntary functions, as well as our creativity, stages of development, our spiritual connection and our intuition. So those of us that fail to make use of this marvellous part of our mind are living within very narrow limits.
Our self-sabotage programs run on cruise control in this subconscious part of our brain. The subconscious loves us immensely and wants to protect us, so that we live a long happy life. The subconscious has a very particular way by which it accomplishes this loving protection function, it records our entire life and looks for patterns or things that are repetitive in the data. It believes that the most repetitive things it observes in the world are the safest to act out because if something is repetitive, it means many other people in the tribe are already doing it. If lots of other people are doing it, then it's a safer behaviour to engage in, as a bigger herd or group is already engaged in it. For the subconscious, it's all about, "going along to get along and finding safety in the crowd."
Through repetition, the subconscious finds the bigger herd and helps us blend in for safety. That's literally the job of our subconscious mind, to find what most other people in the tribe are doing, thinking or saying and then have us mimic and copy that repetitive content, so we can safely bond with the bigger wolf pack. It's a wonderful protection mechanism when we're living in the natural world as designed, but what happens when a ruling class that maintains their power by destroying ours manipulates the repetitive content of what the subconscious sees and hears, in order to make us seek safety where no safety can ever be found?
It doesn't matter what the tribe is doing, regardless of any other factor, the subconscious mind sends signals to the conscious behaviour system that these are the behaviours to act out. This can happen without our conscious awareness or input in many cases, in the same way our heart keeps beating, our subconscious lovingly takes care of it for us. But when a sick, depressed, broke and dependant tribe is what's being observed, of course it's not really going to be serving us in our best interests. Our subconscious mind doesn't care if whats being copied makes the owner of its body depressed, overweight, financially destitute or even die a painful or premature death, if it's what everyone else is doing it will gain the subconscious minds stamp of approval. Put simply, most of us will conduct any behaviour to fit in, and willingly accept an absolutely miserable life in order to get our emotional needs met in regards to finding safety and security in the bigger herd.
In the short 2 minute video below, we see this all going down in real time, as a man who understands how this part of our mind works conducts a simple experiment.
The subjects of the group pressure in the video above all know that what they're doing makes no logical sense, but their actions aren't about being right, their actions are about fitting in with the group because subconsciously they believe they're not strong enough to face down the group if the bigger group were to turn on them.
A good analogy for the relationship between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind is if we imagine we have two separate bodyguards in charge of protecting us. Chuck is the bodyguard that represents our conscious mind, and Shaun is the bodyguard that represents our subconscious mind. Chuck is always on duty and uses our senses to assess the full spectrum of our environment. He processes the information logically (in a beta brainwave state) and manufactures logical solutions. He is the absolute best, our #1 bodyguard that deserves a raise. However, when Chuck's brain function is interfered with or he feels he is at a strength disadvantage, (or even if he has his eye sight disrupted), he steps off duty and hands over responsibility to Shaun in an effort to better protect us, as he loves us and is worried we will get hurt with him on duty. When Shaun starts his shift he instantly goes to work on protecting us. He complies with authority and finds safety in the bigger herd by mimicking, copying and mirroring the group (in an alpha brainwave state). He downloads the repetitive cues in the environment to see what's acceptable and has no ability to judge the long term consequences of complying, fitting in, people pleasing or going along to get along. Shaun seeks immediate safety in the bigger group by doing, saying and thinking what the bigger group is doing, saying and thinking, all because he also loves us and wants to keep us safe. Chuck will also take a back seat and let Shaun take the reigns if Chuck is stressed, fearful, under duress, doubting himself or suffering from low self-esteem.
We have always been taught that our behaviour is our own and that we are making it up based on the most careful, logical and rational of our life options. This is nothing but a lie, a porky pie to keep us as far away as possible from the truth regarding how we operate, how we're ruled, and how we're put to work. The ruling class knows this information inside out and has mastered this research. Social engineers are weaponising this information against us by controlling the repetitive content that we see in the media and by flooding our subconscious pathways with repetitive content that makes us destroy ourselves voluntarily with poisons, which then further up-regulates and increases what we will mimic. It is natural to want to bond with others, we were born to want to hang out with our friends, but if we are toxic, poisoned or afraid (or doing anything that puts our immune system on high alert), our subconscious mind will recognise us as injured and in dire need of the tribe, following them off the cliff if that's the direction they're heading. Monkey see, monkey do. Most of us are doing what we're doing simply because other people are doing it.
“He’s beginning to believe.” Says Morpheus to Neo as he fights back against Agent Smith, a program within The Matrix designed to destroy him. It is up to us to lovingly install the positive repetitive content and messaging in our subconscious mind to eliminate the mind viruses that are attacking us. To believe in the infinite power of our subconscious mind is to believe in ourself. Neo is an anagram for One. Like Neo we all have within us the ability to become The One and bring down the system seeking to weaken us. But first, we must free our mind.
Through the study of self-sabotage psychology I've learned how to talk directly with my subconscious and program it. I've learned how to program myself for subconscious cruise control in the direction of strength, morality, health, leadership, independence and increased human potential. I've learned how to grow the best of myself, knowing that I was programmed for my entire life by the media and government to incinerate and remove the best of what I had to offer. I've learned how to remove any and all destructive addictions from my life, other than an addiction to grow as an individual and serve others through knowledge transfer, support and encouragement. I've learned to heal myself and I've learned how to heal others. Perhaps you as well would like to learn these skills. Do you want to learn some of the biggest secrets in the world, which have been hidden from you purposely, so that you constantly struggle in life? Would you like to start trending upward in your life right now? Would you like to take your power back? Would you like to discover that what the ruling class is really hiding from you... is you.
My new program Stop Playing Small is now available, your loving subconscious mind has already intuitively been seeking it out for you.
Stay tuned for more blog posts like this, full of information that will act as a locksmith for your mind and unlock your master key to success. Thanks for reading!