In 1890 the worlds fattest man was large enough to be considered a “freak show” in the circus. Nowadays it seems he would blend in comfortably amongst society and might even be asked to model for Calvin Klein’s next underpants campaign. No one would pay to see such a man today, a quick stop to our local KFC or McDonalds and it instantly becomes clear that the worlds fattest man in 1890 was most definitely the worlds fattest man so far. I remember after nights out demanding the uber driver to pull in to the drive-throughs so that I could pick up a quarter pounder or a box of wicked wings, only to still be searching the cupboards when I got home for more to stuff my face with. Even when sober I’d find myself standing under the golden arches or filling my shopping trolley with food I knew wasn’t good for me, so why couldn’t I stop treating my mouth like a trash can? And just how bad has our food supply become?
Let’s face it, we live in a crazy world. Our air and water are polluted, with countries spraying billions of pounds of pesticides a year on crops to compensate for poor farming practices, and most of us place a higher priority on driving a nice car than eating high quality food. So few of us are conscious of the benefits of organic food and most of us shop for groceries as if they were petrol or diesel, searching for the cheapest produce available. I use to scour the shelves for the 1/2 price specials and neglected the fact that within hours of consumption whatever I was eating would be replacing cells somewhere in my body, as we literally are what we eat (and I was slowly turning into a cheesecake).
The ruling class maintains their power by destroying ours, so it’s no surprise that we can pick up a disempowering cheeseburger for next to nothing, but have to break open the piggy bank for a pound of organic broccoli. With flavour enhancing toxic chemicals, artificial sweeteners, and hidden ingredients that we can’t even pronounce, we really have to stay disciplined if we are to consume what can be considered a healthy diet. When we purchase some cauliflower and a bunch of bananas though, we can relax knowing that we made the healthy choice, right? In the short 1.5 minute video below we see the effects of spraying pesticides on our food, and the benefits of eating organic.
On a planet where we’re programmed to be poor, eating organic simply isn’t an option for most of us. That’s why it’s more important than ever to gain financial strength and begin to invest in the most important facet of our lives, our health. We’ve all seen the videos of the big mac that looks the same as the day it was purchased years later, and we all know that a chocolate milkshake and a donut is no good for us, but with harmful chemicals turning up in all types of our food, it seems as though our entire food supply is being turned into a weapon to be used against us. With overweight, weak, and unhealthy people being easier to lie to, manipulate and rule over, and with corporations such as Monsanto, (the manufacturer of Agent Orange, a chemical herbicide used by the military in the Vietnam War) developing a large percentage of the pesticides in use, one begins to question just who are the “pests” that are being targeted. It’s now more prevalent than ever to support our local farmers that use sustainable organic farming methods, and turn our back on the obese soulless corporations owned by those with everything to gain from our ill health. Where we choose to spend our money matters. Growing even the smallest amount of our own food can break the old patterns of dependance upon our current system, and is an important cycle to participate in. Independence as a ritual (which is now really an obligation), regardless of how small can help us break the spell that the ruling class has placed over us and take back our power.
Our food is energy from the sun, our mouth and digestive tract are there to help us assimilate that energy for when the sun is not around. Sunlight and our food are not just energy and light, they are information. If we cut a fibre optic cable open we’ll be met with a bright light, for it is that light which carries the information. The sun has information for our genes, it gets captured in our food and then when we digest it, letting the light out, the light then plays our genetic code like a pianist plays the piano. This is why when we’re in the sun we’ll find that we have less hunger cravings, feel stronger and less tired, and sleep better and eat less. We are being nourished from the sunlight, the fresher the food, the more sunlight it holds. When we eat foods processed in factories, the sun’s energy has been removed before it is fed back to us, directing us in the opposite direction of a healthy life. There is far more to the sun than we’re being told, it is information and its role is to guide us in life.
I have spent most of my life infected with the mind virus that it didn’t really matter what I ate, as long as it tasted good and didn’t make me sick, I’d shove it in my mouth. I was stuck in my child-like mindset, thinking short term and not considering the long term effects of the food I was digesting (or not digesting). Our subconscious mind seeks safety in the bigger herd, and when the bigger herd is piling on pounds and treating their bodies like an amusement park, our subconscious tabulates this negative repetitive content and causes us to copy and mimic this behaviour as it seeks out our safety by fitting in. I was doing what everyone else was doing, and I was getting what everyone else was getting (a pot belly and a set of man boobs).
When I’d turn on the TV, I was flooded with yet more negative repetitive content, consuming an endless montage of hedonistic characters constantly pleasuring themselves with unhealthy habits, only to be interrupted by ads for fast food outlets and coca-cola. My mind loved what was familiar, and spending my nights like Homer Simpson on the couch with a greasy takeaway and a beer had become my typical evening. Did eating harmful foods with no benefit make any logical sense? Were my bad eating habits actually taking me in the opposite direction of what I truly desired? After overdosing on junk I would visit the doctors and let them abdicate me of my personal responsibility, but I'd leave confused when the doctor's body resembled Homer’s even more than mine did. I drastically reassessed my thought process, if I couldn’t control what I was putting in my own mouth, how could I be convinced that I was in control of my behaviour at all?
By directing my attention away from entertainment and focusing on educating myself with solutions for eating what’s best for me, I began reprogramming my subconscious mind and carefully decided what to put into my body, choosing health instead. With a bunch of good looking ripped folks on youtube these days, it’s hard to decide who to turn to, especially as each one seems to claim that their diet will work for you. This is not always the case though. Holistic health practitioners recognise that we are as different on the inside as we are on the outside, and instead work out the right diet to suit us as an individual. How to Eat, Move and be Healthy by Paul Chek, is a great place to start when it comes to understanding nutrition and learning how to evolve.
Do you find yourself wanting to clean up your environment and side step the ruling class’ chemical attack? Are you unwillingly craving a donut right now? Check out my new program Stop Playing Small, where I’ll help you to control what you can control in regards to what you eat. We'll shut off the food garbage compactor, begin building healthy habits, and discover the magic of your body as it takes care of the rest.
Stay tuned for more upcoming blog posts that will continue to discuss why we all self-sabotage and ways we can overcome it. We rise by lifting others, but its a whole lot easier if we haven’t stuffed our faces with a bunch of Krispy Kremes. Mmm donuts… D’oh! Thanks for reading!
Such a great article! Thanks for sharing Luke.